Thomas Paul, born in 1946 in Hamburg, studied Chemistry and Biochemistry in Munich.
After receiving his PhD and Habilitation he worked as a senior scientist and group leader at the university of Würzburg and at the Max-Planck Society in Munich. From 1986 - 2005 he held various industry positions and was lecturing at the Technical University of Darmstadt.
He received his artistic education at the Malakademie Frankfurt, the Kunstakademie Bad Reichenhall (P. Tomschiczek und S. Geisler) and in the studio of Stephan Geisler, Bochum. Thomas Paul has studios in Wackerfabrik Mühltal/ Germany
( and in Kalamata/ Greece. He is member in various artist groups and the major german professional artists federation, BBK. He is giving academic lectures on on the interaction of science and art.